

Science Lab

This college has latest facilities provided in science lab equipments for practical subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Computer Networking. Various lab materials meant for Physics practical classes including transistor power supply with digital display, spectrometer, microprocessor, Sonometer, Potentiometer etc. Similarly for Chemistry practical classes, equipments like Chromatography , calorimeter, viscometer, stalagmometer etc. It helps students to enhance and widen learning knowledge in the field of experimental science.

Computer Lab

I don't really think that I need to explain anything here

which, in turn, are connected through a WAN providing Internet and Intranet in each lab. It helps students to enhance and widen learning knowledge in the field of computer science, besides in- depth knowledge of the vast computer domain.

Student Counselling

You know what this is by now

The College has provided counselors to all department students. The professionally qualified counselor is responsible for helping students to enhance in academic, career, personal and social skills.

Job Opportunity

That's the last one. Have a nice day!

Our main responsibility is to motivate, train and prepare the students of the college for campus interviews. Placement officer identifies skilled students and train them by the subjects experts to participate in various job position. We assure the career placement in Central Government, state Government and Private companies through our placement Cell. Andhra polytechnic provides necessary training to make students fit for the present need to the world.

Industrial Visits

During the end of 5th sem Tie-ups have been arranged with giant organizations for students of various disciplines of Andhra Polytechnic to visit relevant organizations. In- plant training is also organized as per norms.

Sports Activities

That's the last one. Have a nice day!

The college has provided best sports ground with essential facilities for the students. Students can utilize Tennis, Shuttle Ball badminton, Foot Ball and Basket Ball etc.